
The Validate API helps validate colors. It ensures that colors have the correct value within the range of their current format. If a value is not within the correct range, the method will throw an error. You can validate six different formats, like:

  • CMYK
  • Hexadecimal
  • HSL
  • HSV
  • LAB
  • RGB


The validateCmyk method validate a CMYK color. Its values for cyan (c), magenta (m), yellow (y), and black (k) should be a number between 0 and 100. If any of the values are outside the allowed range, are not of type number, or are not sent, an error will be thrown.




color: An object of type Cmyk that contains number values in a certain interval (check validate API).

Return value

This method does not return a value.

If the color is invalid, an error will be thrown.

If the color is valid, the code will continue to execute.


validateCmyk({ c: 69, m: 0, y: 42, k: 17 }) // Valid

validateCmyk({ c: 69, m: 0, y: 20 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property key (k) to be of type number, but got undefined."

validateCmyk({ c: 69, m: 'Hi!', y: 20, k: 45 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property key (k) to be of type number, but got string."

validateCmyk({ c: 690, m: 0, y: 42, k: 17 })
// Expected output: "Error: The cyan (c) value is not valid. Cyan value must be between 0 and 100."

validateCmyk({ c: 69, m: 0, y: -2, k: 10 })
// Expected output: "Error: The yellow (y) value is not valid. Yellow value must be between 0 and 100."


The validateHex method validate a hexadecimal color. A hexadecimal color must always start with the ”#” symbol. It can have either 3 or 6 digits. Each digit must be between 0 and 15, which means it can be a number from 0 to 9 or a letter from A to F. If any of the values are outside the allowed range, are not of type number, or are not sent, an error will be thrown.




color: A string with a hash symbol (#) as first character.

Return value

This method does not return a value.

If the color is invalid, an error will be thrown.

If the color is valid, the code will continue to execute.


validateHex("#45AA0F") // Valid

validateHex("#4AF") // Valid

// Expected output: "Error: A hash symbol (#) must be present at the begining of the color."

// Expected output: "Error: A Hexadecimal color should have numbers between 0-9 and letter between a-f."

// Expected output: "Error: Values are not valid. Cmyk only accept values from 0 to 100"

// Expected output: "Error: A Hexadecimal color should have 6 or 3 digits."

// Expected output: "Error: A Hexadecimal color should have 6 or 3 digits."


The validateHsl method validates an HSL color. The hue (h) value must be between 0 and 360, and the saturation (s) and lightness (l) values must be between 0 and 100. If any of the values are outside the allowed range, are not of type number, or are not sent, an error will be thrown.




color: An object of type Hsl that contains number values in a certain interval (check validate API).

Return value

This method does not return a value.

If the color is invalid, an error will be thrown.

If the color is valid, the code will continue to execute.


validateHsl({ h: 143, s: 62, l: 54 }) // Valid

validateHsl({ s: 62, l: 54 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property hue (h) to be of type number, but got undefined."

validateHsl({ h: 143, s: false, l: 54 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property saturation (s) to be of type number, but got boolean."

validateHsl({ h: 143, s: 62, l: 540 })
// Expected output: "Error: The lightness (l) value is not valid. Lightness value must be between 0 and 100."

validateHsl({ h: -50, s: 62, l: 54 })
// Expected output: "Error: The hue (h) value is not valid. Hue value must be between 0 and 360."


The validateHsv method validates an HSV color. The hue (h) value must be between 0 and 360, and the saturation (s) and brightness (v) values must be between 0 and 100. If any of the values are outside the allowed range, are not of type number, or are not sent, an error will be thrown.




color: An object of type Hsv that contains number values in a certain interval (check validate API).

Return value

This method does not return a value.

If the color is invalid, an error will be thrown.

If the color is valid, the code will continue to execute.


validateHsv({ h: 143, s: 62, l: 54 }) // Valid

validateHsv({ s: 62, v: 54 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property hue (h) to be of type number, but got undefined."

validateHsv({ h: 143, s: false, v: 54 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property saturation (s) to be of type number, but got boolean."

validateHsv({ h: 143, s: 62, v: 540 })
// Expected output: "Error: The brightness (b) value is not valid. Brightness value must be between 0 and 100."

validateHsv({ h: -50, s: 62, v: 54 })
// Expected output: "Error: The hue (h) value is not valid. Hue value must be between 0 and 360."


The validateLab method validates a LAB color. The lightness (l) value must be between 0 and 100, and the a and b values must be between -128 and 127. If any of the values are outside the allowed range, are not of type number, or are not sent, an error will be thrown.




color: An object of type Lab that contains number values in a certain interval (check validate API).

Return value

This method does not return a value.

If the color is invalid, an error will be thrown.

If the color is valid, the code will continue to execute.


validateLab({ l: 76, a: -58, b: 33 }) // Valid

validateLab({ l: 76, b: 33 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property a to be of type number, but got undefined."

validateLab({ l: 76, a: -58, b: "lab" })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property b to be of type number, but got string."

validateLab({ l: -76, a: -58, b: 33 })
// Expected output: "Error: The lightness (l) value is not valid. Lightness value must be between 0 and 100."

validateLab({ l: 76, a: -58, b: 333 })
// Expected output: "Error: The b value is not valid. B value must be between -128 and 127."


The validateRgb method validates an RGB color. Its values for red (r), green (g) and blue (b) should be a number between 0 and 255. If any of the values are outside the allowed range, are not of type number, or are not sent, an error will be thrown.




color: An object of type Rgb that contains number values in a certain interval (check validate API).

Return value

This method does not return a value.

If the color is invalid, an error will be thrown.

If the color is valid, the code will continue to execute.


validateRgb({ r: 66, g: 211, b: 122 }) // Valid

validateRgb({ g: 211, b: 122 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property red (r) to be of type number, but got undefined."

validateRgb({ r: 66, g: true, b: 122 })
// Expected output: "Error: Expected property green (g) to be of type number, but got boolean."

validateRgb({ r: 66, g: 211, b: 422 })
// Expected output: "Error: The blue (b) value is not valid. Blue value must be between 0 and 255."

validateRgb({ r: -66, g: 211, b: 122 })
// Expected output: "Error: The red (r) value is not valid. Red value must be between 0 and 255."
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